Wallace's Tent on Salisbury Plain

Wallace's Tent on Salisbury Plain
Writing a letter with candle on clipboard, see Oct. 16 letter

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

January 30, 1945 Tuesday


Hello Bunny,

How are you this morning? Still asleep, I imagine, since it is only 5 a.m. in the States. Wish I were right beside you, with my arms around you and your head on my shoulder. And that’s no passing desire—I need you, Honey, physically as well as all other ways. Dreams aren’t half good enough, I want you in person, real close and for a long time. You’re very wonderful that way, my trim little wife. Just right, and very nice for cuddling purposes. We’ll need to be together a long time when I get back, Hon.

Well, life flows on easily here. My only trouble is that I’m getting well so fast, I’ll probably be leaving this Elysian life before long. That’s a repulsive thought! But it won’t prevent me from enjoying it while I am here.

Sick report: this afternoon I start on physical therapy which will have loosening up muscles as its object. Increased use of left arm is reported in several cases. Left side of hand and little finger still numb but no-one is worried that time won’t remedy that. [note: little finger remained numb for Wallace’s life] Wedding ring has been replaced ever since the cast was removed—so I’m married again. Won’t remove it ever again now – I had planned never to take it off, but failed miserably before the first year was out!

Went to a movie last nite--”Bride by Mistake,” I think the title was. A fairly good comedy. As for reading, I am dividing my time now between “Mission to Moscow” and Claire Booth’s “Margin for Error.” Feel as tho I was getting fairly well informed on recent history now. It’s all very fascinating and stimulating. Everybody should be well informed on these subjects, and should do some thinking about them. It is the only way to be aware of the forces that are hitting society, and it is our reaction to these forces that determines the effect they have. The more we know of them, the more intelligent will be our reaction. Actually it is the study of the doings of the mass of humanity. History works thru groups and effects the whole—enlightenment for all will be the result of historic processes. In education and psychology much of the work is specialized on individual problems rather than social ones. But the two are inter-related. Enlightenment for mankind comes only as a result of the solving of individual problems. Only individuals can feel happy. That is where totalitarianism is wrong—it assumes that a group can attain well being while the individual is repressed and made subservient. Actually a group can be successful only as its policies reflect in the solving of problems for individuals. Therefore—democracy, where an individual is recognized as the unit for whose benefit the group exists.

Please excuse all this, Hon, it’s just that there really isn’t anything else to discuss, I do so little. Sometimes it even bores me, no foolin’. If I didn’t love you so much I would probably put on a front and write some very exciting letters—but they wouldn’t be me. You’re my Bunny,


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