Wallace's Tent on Salisbury Plain

Wallace's Tent on Salisbury Plain
Writing a letter with candle on clipboard, see Oct. 16 letter

Saturday, July 4, 2020

February 9, 1945 Friday



Dearest Marjorie,

The 21st Generals’ expert on Russian Affairs has concluded another class and again his opinions have been accepted—of course, the Readers’ Digest held these same opinions, but that is only coincidence. My talk is getting a little battle worn by now. I am considering working up another. Two more Digest articles and I suppose I could become the “Great Britain” expert, too. Always pushing, you know. And I have been to England, that would help.

My C. & R. department connections have resulted in my finding a channel to buy something I think you’ll like—some real Paris perfume. Sometime in the dim distant future you will get a bottle of “Caresse Infinie.” [by Arys, released 1922] It smelled good to me, and I hope you will be able to use it, Honey. I can’t send you flowers very well, and next to flowers I like to send you perfume. They both say “I love you” in their own way.

Every bit of my love, 


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