Wallace's Tent on Salisbury Plain

Wallace's Tent on Salisbury Plain
Writing a letter with candle on clipboard, see Oct. 16 letter

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

February 19, 1945 Monday



21st General

Dearest Marjorie,

Well what do you know? The Xmas card that Grammie sent just arrived. It was a very graceful little card, and a nice message. Thank her very much for me and tell her I think of her very often. I will write as often as possible. 

Also, Honey, I received the little “thank you” card you sent for those silver things I sent you for Xmas. I thought they were in our mutual “tastes,” and as you describe them with flowers they must make a beautiful sight. I wish I could send many more gifts to you, but all I can send by V-mail is my love. You already have all of that, and you always will, Bunny. It almost makes me feel guilty when you attribute thoughtfulness to me, when you are so much more thoughtful of me. I appreciate everything you do, Honey, and love you very, very much every minute.

Always all yours,


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