Hello, my Honey,
I did not get to write to you yesterday because I was on the way up to division for G’s trial. O’Brien, the T.G.A., got an ambulance to make the trip in. Sgt. Huddleston and Sgt. Mike Urbaniak came with me a patient-witnesses, too. It was a beautiful day, almost like May, and we enjoyed getting out and around again very much. The weather made us all cheerful and we had a lot of fun as we toured over the pretty French countryside. Green and rolling, but marred by the ruined houses and villages. It was a 3 hour ride, and tho the war rolled by most of it some time ago, the evidences are still around. The quaint red-tile roofs must have been beautiful in peace time. I see now where Van Gogh got his red roofs.
We got to the administrative center just as it was moving to a new town, so we ate and went right along with it. We rode the ambulance but wore new G.I. clothing issued at the hospital. Had a warm reunion with Spetgang and Cardon, our company clerks. I took a picture of the bunch with the camera you sent me. It was the 4th picture, by the way. I took three at the hospital. Eventually you will see them, I’m sure.
We came to Chateau-Salins and got a place to sleep with the medics. Wandered around the town, but could get no wine, even with my persuasive French! So we spent a wordy evening getting re-oriented on all our various adventures – Gino, Abie, Spetgang, Cardon and old Sgt. Warren (now a battle 2nd Lt.). Up here they knew all about my own promotion. It was the first battlefield promotion given in the battalion, and will make me platoon leader, first platoon, when I get back. Had a lot of fun ceremoniously white-taping my bar -(had only one)- and placing bits of tape on my field jacket shoulders. Made me feel good to see the enl[isted] men so enthusiastic over it. Satisfying to know they back you up after all we’ve been thru. They are a great bunch. The very best.
Today, the trial. I spoke my piece this morning, but must stick around in case of recall. Have my fingers crossed for G. I am writing this while waiting. Tonite I hope to go forward to the company area to see the rest of the “old” men. It’s just for fun now, you know – I’m only on leave from the hospital and must return Sunday. My arm is O.K. but I can see from this trip that my all-around condition isn’t as tough as it was. I get tired fast.
Funny thing, I bumped into the doctor who treated my arm the very first thing when I was being evacuated today. He remembered me, strangely, and was interested in my arm. He says it has healed well, that he thought the joint was surely injured when he first had seen it. Also that the lack of sensation in my little finger and part of my palm may last for several months while a new nerve grows from my elbow down. That’s just a curiosity, tho, it doesn’t cut down my efficiency. The motor nerve is O.K. – the ulnar sensory seems gone. That accounts for the continual numbness. Here’s how it stacks up now--
I shall not mention to the folks about the numb area. They would make a mountain of it maybe and actually it is of no more consequence than that nick I got in second finger at Camp Wheeler. O.K.?
In a letter I got yesterday you gave me the dickens for not saying I love you and Gee, Hon, that’s one thing I don’t want to be lax on. That’s the main reason I write at all, and the one thing I want you always to have absolute faith in. I know that being sure you love me is my firmest “leaning post” [? partly illegible], and I want you to have the same feeling – because my love is just as certain and will always be there regardless of anything. So if I keep on being negligent, you may tickle me to pieces for every time I fail you. I love you – so there.
You are always my honey,